Gummy smile
Expressed gums during laugh (gummy smile) are relatively common with patients. Such persons avoid laughing or feel uncomfortable, while doing it. In any case they consider it as aesthetic disadvantage. This deficiency or problem today is solved very easily. In these cases, the large teeth are usually shown as small. Often there are diastema (spaces between the teeth). In such cases it is necessary to perform the removal of excess gum. Intervention is short, mostly twenty minutes. Patients leaves out of the dental office with a brand new smile and achieved result is immediately visible. Of course, after the intervention it takes several days for gums to calm down and patient needs to continue with proper oral hygiene.
There are cases where the gummy smile is large and where it takes a lot of gum removal, in such situations, prosthetic work is recommended as a part of the rehabilitation (best choice is metal-free ceramic crowns).