
Orthodontics is a science and art, which creates a new beauty smile through the process of correcting teeth. The process of correction can be made via mobile or fixed braces.

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Fixed braces – the last ten years are very popular, which enabled both children and adults, to correct their teeth. Fixed braces for teeth give much better results than mobile braces, because they are not removed and are affixed to your teeth, so that the correction of the incorrect position of the teeth is continuously. Fixed braces for teeth straightening can be regular and lingual.


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Fixed lingual braces for your teeth are completely invisible, because it is worn on the inside.

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Regular fixed braces for teeth can be made of metal, ceramic (white and slightly transparent) and sapphire (fully transparent). Metal locks are the most commonly used type of fixed braces. This is the classic type, which is used for many years, and gives good results. However, the metal on teeth often turns people away from the idea of setting a fixed braces. With the advancement of dentistry, new types of fixed braces were invented, and the aesthetic moment is pleased. The use of sapphire locks that are transparent, no one will know of the existence of a fixed braces.


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Deadline for wearing fixed braces is between one and two years, depending of the position and irregularities of the teeth and jaw. The decision on the form of therapy to be conducted, shall be made after detailed and comprehensive analysis of study models and X-rays (panoramic X and profile cephalometric), so each patient receives optimal and individual therapeutic solution.

Mobile braces – is a form of therapy that is applied at a younger age. Through timely diagnosis and early treatment with removable braces orthodontic anomalies can be fully corrected or significantly reduce its severity and shorten the later treatment with fixed braces. Therapy with mobile prosthesis usually lasts from 6 to 24 months, depending on the type of irregularities of the teeth and jaw, which is present. To help kids to use the therapy and enjoy in wearing their braces, they can make it unique, by selecting different color combinations and applications.

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